Rosemary Oatmeal Facial Scrub & Mask in a Mason Jar

by Katie A
(Ohio, USA)

Rosemary Oatmeal Facial Scrub & Mask

Rosemary Oatmeal Facial Scrub & Mask

Who did you make it for?

I put these together for my sisters!

What materials did you use?

For the scrub/mask:
- Oats
- Dried rosemary

For the container/decorations:
- Mason jar
- Twine (any string/ribbon will do)
- Decorative paper

- Blender
- Hole punch
- Scissors
- Glue

How did you make it?

It is VERY simple!

-- To make the scrub, simply use a regular kitchen blender to grind the oats and dried rosemary until it is a finely ground mix. I actually found a similiar dry mix recipe that called for lavender, but I used rosemary since it was what I had available to me.

-- You can then pour the mix into any suitable container- I chose a Mason Jar because I already had several, and I like their look!

-- Include some instructions so recipients know how to use the scrub/mask (see below) - I added directions on the back of the tag. Here are the directions I included:

“Directions: Combine small amount with warm water. Apply to face and neck and massage gently. For use as scrub, rinse with warm water immediately. For use as mask, wait 20 minutes and then rinse. Optional: Add small amount of honey.”

-- For decorating the jar, I chose to use decorative paper on the lid and the tag, and a bit of twine to attach the tag.

I had the two-piece mason jar lids. I cut out a small circle of the decorative paper and glued it to the inner circle of the lid. Because I had the two-piece lids, I hot glued the inner circle to the outer rim to make it easier to remove and replace the lid.

For the tag, I printed the name and the directions on the decorative paper, hole punched it twice across the top, and tied it around the jar. I did not do this for the one pictured, but an idea to make it more water resistant (since it will be in the bathroom, and possibly splashed with water), is use a clear shelf liner to protect the tag.

Of course, there are many, many other options for this stage of the project- for instance, you could print out sticky labels for the lid and/or side, or use a pretty ribbon or peice of string instead of twine. I went for a more simple, rustic look but you could give it a completely different look/feel depending on how you go about this.

Anything else you'd like to share about your project?

This is very easy and inexpensive to make - everything needed is already either something found at home, or can be obtained cheaply. I think this works well for a stand-alone gift, but it would also be great in a gift basket of homemade spa items, such as body scrub, bath salts, lip gloss, etc.

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